neetoKB helps you to manage roles and assign permissions as per your needs. There are three default roles - Collaborators, Editor and Admin. In addition, you can add new role as per your needs and assign permissions as desired.
Here's a guide on how to manage permissions of default roles:
Go to Settings -> Manage Roles to view the roles and their default permissions.
You can assign/remove additional permissions by clicking on triple dots besides the role you want to take action on and click Edit.
A modal will appear on the right hand side where you need to tick/untick checkboxes as desired.
Click Save Changes to successfully assign/remove permissions.
Steps to Add New Role:
Go to Settings -> Manage Roles.
Click Add New Role from the top right.
A modal will appear on the right hand side where you need to enter details and tick checkboxes of permissions as desired.
Click Save Changes to successfully add a new role.