
Welcome to the NeetoForm M10 changelog! In our last milestone, we've been working on some great new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Let's get into it!

Milestone 10

Here are the noteworthy updates from this milestone:

  • We fixed the issue where clicking on links in the question field or description would open in the same tab. Now, they will open in a new tab, preventing interruptions in your form-filling process and allowing you to continue without losing your place.

  • We fixed the bug where the search bar would disappear after a failed search on the submissions page. Now, you do not need to go back to the main submissions page to search again.

  • We fixed the issue with numbering conditional logics. Previously, if you created and then deleted 3 conditional logics, the number for the next conditional logic would appear as 4 instead of 1. Now, the numbering will reset correctly.

  • We have added new templates for business forms, such as Job Application Forms, Onboarding Forms, Employee Performance Evaluations, and more. You can customize themes and use these templates to create forms quickly.

  • We fixed UI issues related to Twilio Integration, position of neeto branding for a better user experience while using the neetoForm.

  • We fixed the bug where merging tags redirected the user back to the homepage.

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